Farmacia París, a business that has existed for more than 75 years in the Historic Center of Mexico City, has asked us for the design and strategic development of a new identity for its retail spaces. This request has allowed us to revitalize an institution that has been a cornerstone in the community, breathing new life into it while respecting and honoring its rich history.

We have unveiled a design based on the primary idea of the old “Botica,” evoking the memory of this family business’s founding days and its human and personalized spirit. This nostalgic approach not only celebrates Farmacia París’s legacy but also creates a bridge to future generations, keeping alive the essence of personalized service and human connection that has always characterized the pharmacy.

Person-to-person contact and direct product reachability constitute a parameter of paramount interest for the new brand. This approach ensures that customers continue to experience the attentive and personal service that has been the cornerstone of Farmacia Paris’s success for decades. Our initial design is a foundational proposal upon which all future retail spaces will be developed, ensuring visual and experiential coherence at every customer touchpoint.

Additionally, the new design incorporates modern elements that facilitate a more efficient and pleasant shopping experience without sacrificing the traditional touch that customers value. The layout of products, signage, and materials used in the interior design has been carefully selected to reflect a blend of tradition and modernity. Every aspect of the design has been thoughtfully considered to enhance accessibility and direct interaction with the products, allowing customers to explore and select with ease.

In summary, the redesign of Farmacia París’s retail spaces aims to celebrate its legacy while adapting to contemporary needs, creating an environment that is both familiar and innovative. This balance between the old and the new will ensure that Farmacia París remains a reference point in the community, offering exceptional service and a unique shopping experience to its customers for many more years to come.

Design Architect:
Paul Cremoux.
MEP: Uribe Ingenieros, Germán Hernández.
General Contractor:
Fermín Espinosa.